Showing posts with label Level Two Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Level Two Design. Show all posts

Friday, 22 November 2019

Level two - what is my kaupapa? Example blog for 2020 to start you off.

I think most of you got the idea of the blogs by the end of the year and we have some great examples of blogging by the time you did. However, we want to start great and finish great this year. 

Your labels will be added as you write your first post like this. These labels will be five in total and you will be expected to use at least two each time you post:

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4(folio) and Art 2019. The following is an exemplar of what your first blog should look like in a total of 150 + words:

My Visual Arts course this year will be focussed on painting (or photography or design, you choose this bit and adjust). I enjoyed painting last year because I felt like I could do it easily/is a challenge for me/will be the most useful tool to help me express my ideas/is a passion of mine (this is your thoughts, not mine, and there is no real wrong. But, here may be the odd cop-out, which we would rather not have). My kaupapa for the year will be based upon spiritual and cultural development. This is something that interests me because my family lineage is so mixed and generations back of my family denied a great deal of their own history in order to fit into pākeha dominated culture. I felt like it would be something that I could work on for an entire year.

The above paragraph is an introduction. It outlines my field choice for the year and explains why I have chosen spiritual and cultural development to base my kaupapa upon. So far, for my actual 'post' as a student, I am at 111 words. 

I have gone through the artists in my theme from the matrix on Ako and created my mood board here:

From here, I have decided on Mick Namarari, Faith Ring gold and Robyn Kahukiwa as my artist models for 2.1. These artists will also help me get started with 2.2 which is also going ot be the start of my folio.

I have just copied and pasted these artists off the matrix, which keeps the hyperlinks intact for my post. 

My kaupapa based on this theme is looking like this:

 (Image of the brainstorm you will do in class inserted here). 

Typed words at this point are 184. However, when you take into account what you will have on your brainstorm it is likely to be closer to 250. 

(a summing up of what is on the brainstorm here will be useful)

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Mood board

Recap on what and why you should have done this: it is your visual inspiration to start with. This is the one I did in front of you in class to get you started. Based on Versace and his death.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

2.2 and 2.3 Design

These are the first practical standards we are aiming to complete. It is your starting point for the body of work that goes on your folio.

You should have a basic brief at this point

You should have a mood board completed on a google drawing as well. If you download as a PDF, you can use it more freely in a range of programmes.  This should also be on your blog.

These two components set you up to be working systematically throughout the year. you will have a purpose and something to go back to when you get visually stuck. 

You have your 'why' - it is your brief. 

You have your visual sources on your mood board. You should have identified 3 specific artists to work on for Art History, these should be your first main influences for your design work on panel one. 

From your company name and your general visual direction, all our designers should have sketched up in pencil 20 basic concepts for a logo. 

Along with this, you should have looked on and traced 15 or so different fonts using your company name. Your screens work well as a light table!

The evidence you should collect from all of this for these standards is:
- your brief worksheet
- brainstorm of ideas for your direction
- brainstorm of ideas for names- a mood board like the one above
- 15 or so font drawings on an a3 page
- 20 or so concept sketches thinking about logo design and your chosen design models

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Level two Art History

Art History is different to last year; you discussed the subject matter and what it might mean. that is actually pretty simple!

this year you are discussing the media - what it is made of.

How does the type of paint add to the meaning behind the work for instance? This kind of question means you have to already understand the meaning of the subject matter of the painting (or artwork).

Choose 3 artworks you feel like you can talk about. If it is outside of your comfort zone, then be prepared to put in some extra effort.

This is a starting point. We will try and extend based on what each of you are actually studying as we go.

Recapping series and sequences.

Level one, this could be new to you, level's two and three I am hoping you have the gist of this.

Series of works exist within a body of work (folio).

they explain the points of the body of work.

You are not just making cool art pictures. You are trying to say something with them to a viewer. You are having a conversation via your artwork.

Your folio will start with an introduction, it will have several key points and a conclusion, just like an essay in English.

Your series of works will state, explain, and show your opinion, also just like in English with say a SEXY paragraph.

You should be able to see this clearly in any of the online exemplars on NZQA.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

What is your "why"?

This is a concept/ariā based art course. You develop a body of work based on a theory or idea.

You have been asked to go through the list of artists on Ako-Learn. Each level/field has a matrix of themes and Artists this year.

We want you to do two things here;
1) Go through and get comfortable with the artists and themes we have put together for you
2) Brainstorm what you love, what you hate and what inspires you in any aspect of your life.

From there you are developing your concept/ariā.

your ariā could be no more than three words. In fact, that's quite good if it is.

Your kaupapa/theme should roughly fit into the themes we have already established on the matrix for your level/field.

Once you have all of this down, I would expect you to create a blog post.

Please note, Level one, I am expecting you to complete a further document called themes, subject matter and ideas. I want to be able to see a copy of this in your drive.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Our "Why"

Following Simon Sinek's theory of drawing people in, we are starting with the "why", followed by the what and the how.

Monday and Tuesday are going to be a very cool group exercise. Can't wait for you all to see this next bit :-)

Imagine a flower emerging from this centre...

Re linking the video we already watched as a class. Remember; Limbic brain, homo-sapien brain? super important. 

and this for those who have that need to know more:

Monday, 5 February 2018

Blogs per term

Going for 15 a term. Every five in line 3 = tuck shop voucher! Love sticker charts :-)

Line One and Two seniors we will organise something for you too, starting sometime tomorrow. 

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Year 12 and 13 Painting, Design and Photography Students

Kia ora Koutou

Photography students - you are going to get the chance to play around with the cameras this week - not today though.

Designers and Photographers - make sure you understand how to work on a mac. Today.

1) Turning it on
2) Logging in
3) Signing into chrome - it always defaults to Safari - DO NOT USE Safari. We are a GAfE school.
4) Signing into the google drive APP. (this makes syncing your work a little easier)
5) Locating and opening a new file in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
6) Making sure photoshop, chrome and drive are all on your DOCK (they will be there next time too).
7) Understanding that you are NOT to save any work on your desktop as it's not your desk top on these machines - they are wiped periodically to ensure they don't slow down (they look better than they are, very old)

Painters, Designers, Photographers:

1) Open your blog.
2) Upload your progress so far (which will not be massive and that is ok).
3) Post it and label that post with your subject and the year 2018.


Get back to your concept development and moving this forward.

Level three, you should be working on task one of 3.1 as well. Your deadlines are tight on purpose.