Sunday 4 February 2018

Year 12 and 13 Painting, Design and Photography Students

Kia ora Koutou

Photography students - you are going to get the chance to play around with the cameras this week - not today though.

Designers and Photographers - make sure you understand how to work on a mac. Today.

1) Turning it on
2) Logging in
3) Signing into chrome - it always defaults to Safari - DO NOT USE Safari. We are a GAfE school.
4) Signing into the google drive APP. (this makes syncing your work a little easier)
5) Locating and opening a new file in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
6) Making sure photoshop, chrome and drive are all on your DOCK (they will be there next time too).
7) Understanding that you are NOT to save any work on your desktop as it's not your desk top on these machines - they are wiped periodically to ensure they don't slow down (they look better than they are, very old)

Painters, Designers, Photographers:

1) Open your blog.
2) Upload your progress so far (which will not be massive and that is ok).
3) Post it and label that post with your subject and the year 2018.


Get back to your concept development and moving this forward.

Level three, you should be working on task one of 3.1 as well. Your deadlines are tight on purpose.

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