Saturday 3 February 2018

Year 11 NCEA Lines 1 and 3 with Whāea Rowena

Kia ora koutou

Don't stress if you are not done with the brainstorm we started, but do make sure you are thinking about it. No idea is invalid.

Week 3 of this term we are looking at finalising your direction more and investigating artist models. There will be some teacher direction for that, and you will eventually choose ONE artist and one painting to study for your Art History.

This Artist needs to be one that is hopefully in line with your thoughts and ideas. However, if it isn't, but you can write about it well, that could work.

You will be expected to be finished with Art History by the end of this term.

Here are some Artists you might want to consider:

Shane Cotton (paint)
Breatize Milhazes (paint/mixed media)
Vanitas (paint)
Bill Hammond (paint)
Robyn Kahukiwa (paint
Reubin Patterson (paint)
Jim Dine (drawing/paint)
Askew One (spray paint)
Maurizio Anzeri (photo)
Michal Macku (photo)
Matthew Brandt (photo)
Joseph Parra (photo/installed art)
Marylinn Webb (Print/drawing)
Boyd Webb(photo)
El Lizzisky (design)
Man Ray (photo)
Rodchenko (design/photography)
Jonathan Barnbrook (Design)

These are not links! You are all capable of finding these artists on Google, and getting to grips with their work on your own. You may find something else. My advice is to be very wary of instagram artists - we found these were often copies of another genuine artist, and stick to those who have a whakapapa as practising artists.

Class will involve going over these so getting some in before I see you would be very cool.

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