Monday 4 April 2016

Thumbnail Sketches with Annotations

'What are they for?' - "WE DON"T KNOW"
'When does she want them?' - "NOW"

Possibly not so thrilled that when I said to my lovely year 10 class that we were doing a page of thumbnail sketches a lot of you said "what does that mean?" and "we've never done those...!?"

Ahhh you have, I have the photos and a blog to prove it, munchkins, so the next time, we will just revisit this blog post I think:

Annotations are the words you write to clarify what worked, what didn't, and what you may do next. These do not have to be full sentences, it is mainly for you to remember back to when you look at the page again.

The compositional principles you should have covered are:
- Pattern
- Repeition
- Tension
- Unity

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