Wednesday 21 February 2018

Year 10 Composition

Your task for the second half of today's lesson was quick thumbnail sketches of 4 selected Micheal Mew pieces of work. 

Composition = arrangement. How things are arranged in the picture space. The first thing you need to draw is the outline of the picture space (a rectangle usually!). The placement and proportion of objects in that space is what is important when you do this, not the details.

A thumbnail sketch should take no longer than 2 minutes. You do not need a ruler! 

The purpose of this is to see how the arrangement of things in space actually help make you look at the work. You notice things like the focal point of the image and how things are repeated and/or layered and contrasted. 

The points above on the whiteboard are specific points about Micheal Mew's work and what we noticed. These notes should be on your work book page with the four quick thumbnail sketches. 

The paintings we looked at are here on a pinterest board for you to go back to:

Year 10 Proportion

The first half of today was proportion and how this can be drawn. Please keep in mind we are using the new Kahui names as our subject - there are 5 birds from this area that are the Kahui names.

  • Centre lines
  • Measuring
  • Drawing for mass (base shapes)
  • Adding details once the proportions look right.

This is the Mōhua bird I drew in front of you today to try and explain those things above. You should be able to see the centre line which curves as the bird form has a curve to it.

You should be able to see a line at the neck and at the feet/tail base. I put those down as approximate measurements of where the head and body would fit. 

You should be able to see lots of working lines, and that I drew with very light lines until I was a little more sure of where things should go. On your tone page, you should have at least one drawing of one of the birds and the word proportion. If you don't please get this done for home work. 

Thursday 8 February 2018

Our "Why"

Following Simon Sinek's theory of drawing people in, we are starting with the "why", followed by the what and the how.

Monday and Tuesday are going to be a very cool group exercise. Can't wait for you all to see this next bit :-)

Imagine a flower emerging from this centre...

Re linking the video we already watched as a class. Remember; Limbic brain, homo-sapien brain? super important. 

and this for those who have that need to know more:

Monday 5 February 2018

Blogs per term

Going for 15 a term. Every five in line 3 = tuck shop voucher! Love sticker charts :-)

Line One and Two seniors we will organise something for you too, starting sometime tomorrow. 

Sunday 4 February 2018

Year 9 first task

Welcome back to Art.

Please bookmark this site using the little star on the URL bar up the top.
You should have completed a do now on paper that can be pasted onto
Tikanga in Art:
- Bring your device each lesson
- Have an Art book and pencil to work with each lesson
- Put your work away each lesson
- Clean up any accidental mess you make
- Use the rubbish bin for rubbish!

All pretty easy so far and all just a little part of respect for our environment.

Today you are going to work on developing an understanding of 4 visual movements of Art

1) Kowhaiwhai
2) Art Nouveau
3) Manga
4) Pasifika

1 and 2 lead into lino printmaking
3 and 4 lead into acrylic painting.

You will be learning a little about both before making a choice.

Success means:

  • 1 A3 page of drawing from all 4 movements (4pages total)
  • 1 great blog post documenting these pages
  • 1 great blog post with notes showing your learning about all 4. 
Go back to the google site for visual arts because you need that now!

Year 12 and 13 Painting, Design and Photography Students

Kia ora Koutou

Photography students - you are going to get the chance to play around with the cameras this week - not today though.

Designers and Photographers - make sure you understand how to work on a mac. Today.

1) Turning it on
2) Logging in
3) Signing into chrome - it always defaults to Safari - DO NOT USE Safari. We are a GAfE school.
4) Signing into the google drive APP. (this makes syncing your work a little easier)
5) Locating and opening a new file in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
6) Making sure photoshop, chrome and drive are all on your DOCK (they will be there next time too).
7) Understanding that you are NOT to save any work on your desktop as it's not your desk top on these machines - they are wiped periodically to ensure they don't slow down (they look better than they are, very old)

Painters, Designers, Photographers:

1) Open your blog.
2) Upload your progress so far (which will not be massive and that is ok).
3) Post it and label that post with your subject and the year 2018.


Get back to your concept development and moving this forward.

Level three, you should be working on task one of 3.1 as well. Your deadlines are tight on purpose.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Year 11 NCEA Lines 1 and 3 with Whāea Rowena

Kia ora koutou

Don't stress if you are not done with the brainstorm we started, but do make sure you are thinking about it. No idea is invalid.

Week 3 of this term we are looking at finalising your direction more and investigating artist models. There will be some teacher direction for that, and you will eventually choose ONE artist and one painting to study for your Art History.

This Artist needs to be one that is hopefully in line with your thoughts and ideas. However, if it isn't, but you can write about it well, that could work.

You will be expected to be finished with Art History by the end of this term.

Here are some Artists you might want to consider:

Shane Cotton (paint)
Breatize Milhazes (paint/mixed media)
Vanitas (paint)
Bill Hammond (paint)
Robyn Kahukiwa (paint
Reubin Patterson (paint)
Jim Dine (drawing/paint)
Askew One (spray paint)
Maurizio Anzeri (photo)
Michal Macku (photo)
Matthew Brandt (photo)
Joseph Parra (photo/installed art)
Marylinn Webb (Print/drawing)
Boyd Webb(photo)
El Lizzisky (design)
Man Ray (photo)
Rodchenko (design/photography)
Jonathan Barnbrook (Design)

These are not links! You are all capable of finding these artists on Google, and getting to grips with their work on your own. You may find something else. My advice is to be very wary of instagram artists - we found these were often copies of another genuine artist, and stick to those who have a whakapapa as practising artists.

Class will involve going over these so getting some in before I see you would be very cool.