Wednesday 21 February 2018

Year 10 Composition

Your task for the second half of today's lesson was quick thumbnail sketches of 4 selected Micheal Mew pieces of work. 

Composition = arrangement. How things are arranged in the picture space. The first thing you need to draw is the outline of the picture space (a rectangle usually!). The placement and proportion of objects in that space is what is important when you do this, not the details.

A thumbnail sketch should take no longer than 2 minutes. You do not need a ruler! 

The purpose of this is to see how the arrangement of things in space actually help make you look at the work. You notice things like the focal point of the image and how things are repeated and/or layered and contrasted. 

The points above on the whiteboard are specific points about Micheal Mew's work and what we noticed. These notes should be on your work book page with the four quick thumbnail sketches. 

The paintings we looked at are here on a pinterest board for you to go back to:

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