Tuesday 23 August 2016

Woodcut Selfies

Beautiful job, just finishing off. Moving onto watercolour and formal drawing techniques next week...

Friday 12 August 2016

9 BR recap


  • Art Nouveau

  • Kowhaiwhai

  • Beatriz Milhazes

You should have a beautiful research page done and in your folders that I can check off.

There are things you should be noticing about both art movements and the artist chosen;

  • forms are simplified, curves are amplified. 
  • geometry, pattern and repetition all strongly feature in all 3
  • there is no real use of three-dimensional space in any of these
Specific to each; Kowhaiwhai
- regulated circular curves
- principles of mathematics are employed exactlingly; rotation, scale, reflection, repetition, pattern
- the pattern, scale and proximity of the forms help to convey a story, whakapapa, or even emotion

Specific to Art Nouveau
- dominant tell-tale form is called a whiplash
- all derived from plant forms
- detail is more important than kowhaiwhai

Specific to Beatriz Milhazes
- patterns and forms are over-layed
- intersecting forms are a strong feature
- colour and layers of colour/texture are a feature
- composition is tightly balanced and intense

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Picasso the Rebel

We talked last week about how Picasso should take a great deal of credit for you being allowed to be openly creative as art makers today.

He was a rebel, he became an art revolution.

You will have a slide presentation for your work shared with you in your google drive. If you don't (newer class members) ask a friend to share theirs with you and "make a copy" of it for yourself.

This is the theory base for the term. Please complete your research page with 6 facts about Picasso and some drawing work from one of his paintings.

The link between photography and painting may not seem very clear just now, but it is important and we will explore it more later

This example comes from Caleb in 8mt of a pretty good looking research page.  Aim for this level of quality.