Monday 4 March 2019

Year 10 what is our point here?

It's a magazine!

Remember when I asked if you all had read the course outline?

We worked ourselves into groups today and set things up so that you all had a role of kinds.

The magazine is eventually going to use your hand made artwork as graphics and backgrounds, in ways that I would like you to laterally think about how to tell the viewer the meaning, without the benefit of a language that the majority understand (shamefully!).

That means your magazine will be written in te Reo. Your visuals have to speak as loudly as your words.

This is terribly rough. You will create better than this. Each of those groups we developed from the class brainstorm, is responsible for a section each. it may only be 2 pages (a double-page spread) or it might be 4. There is a group for the cover. You will also be responsible for the back of the book. we only use this as a guide to start understanding how we could use the langauge for titles of sections. Modifiers are important. Ask those students in our class who take te reo as a subject for assistance or seek out help from our two lovely te reo specialists on staff.

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