Thursday, 29 June 2017

Mark making

Putting your progress so far together as a potential art work; 
  • term two selfie, how can you incorporate this, 
  • term two understanding of German Expressionism and woodcut technique, how can you best use this, 
  • as well as your own personal expression? 
It is really important that you process your selfie as a graphic, black and white drawing that focusses on translating tone into MARK MAKING and texture, not shading. That might mean you interpret some areas a little differently to how they appear, or that you change tones into marks, or simplify them. It might mean you try one way of doing things and it does not work. That means try another way. Don't just quit. You also should be focussing on making this drawing NOT pretty. It is meant to be you considering how over-the-top and self-obsessed the idea of the selfie is. Make it ugly, make it creepy, make it a bit angsty, but let's not glorify it. 

From here, you should be moving onto our Pinterest site for German Expressionism and beginning some thumbnail sketches. We can go over how to manage these more carefully in class. 

Friday, 23 June 2017

Drawing selfies, being comfortable with selfies and using them for art...

Oooo this is hard! We have done this each year from 2015 - now and it is really obvious that using a selfie to make Art is harder than it seems with self-consciousness taken into account.

Self portraits in Art - pretty much since Cave Art this has likely happened. Though there are more examples of rich pompous people paying an artist for a favourable portrait, rather than the artists portrait, it has been a 'thing' for a long, long time in Art history.

On Wednesday, when everyone is back from camp, we are going to run through this:

When I was at Art school a million years ago, Woodcut printmaking was my 'thing'.

Below are two examples of work I did around the idea of self portrait (the ugly colours rather unfortunately reflect my terrible dress sense at the time...)

Let's discuss all of this further on Monday.

I'm really pleased to see the drawing work that happened today with the selfies already:


Thursday, 22 June 2017

Installation Art

This is a genre of art that you could use to extend your concepts. Documenting this process would be specific to 1.3. You need to keep good documentation for 1.3 for this. By the end of next week, we will have an adjusted checklist on 1.3 suitable for installation with photography or painting or design.

Click on image for link to page

The thing that Installation Art is not necessarily, is collaborative art. Just because a group of people collaborate on a project, does not make it Installation Art. Installation Art is about making a space speak. Either giving that very specific space a meaning or using that specific space to tell it's story.

Concept is first and foremost, decorative qualities, not so much.

If this is a consideration for you, start with looking at Judy Chicago, Christo, Marcell Duchamp, Barbra Kruger, and teamlab. Your thoughts and ideas and reactions to these artists should be present on your blog.

Go back to your concept. how could it relate to a space? Is there one you are thinking of already?

Open your blog, open the tracking sheet for your class.
New post; Re-state your concept (always do this, so that it is the first thing you are considering as you work)

  • Brainstorm appropriate spaces you have access to - around school, around home, that you could make "speak" with your work, OR that you could subvert
  • Think about your work so far and record - are there three dimensional elements to it? Can you install imagery that adds to the voice of the space? 
If you are doing this properly, you should have notes and ideas, drawings that you can add to your post of ideas. 

Come to class ready to discuss your potential further progress from here. 

It is actually really easy to incorporate installation Art meaningfully into a folio for 1.4. We photographically document it.

Outcomes here would be:

  • 2- 3 blog posts, which include research (use the same kind of format you used for art history 1.2, but on your own - could be a resubmission for 1.2 if you would like) 

New google site - use it!

Please bookmark this. Under senior, there is a drop down list of all of the course outlines and when you click on senior for the page, you will find the lines for our classes.

The tracking sheet is in your line, use it and keep it updated or keep you teacher updated.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Posting a Progress Blog for German Expressionist Printmaking

You all have this document shared to your Year 10 Art folder on your google drive. That is your own copy. This is the structure for your blog post that you are writing today!

You need your work and a chromebook. There are 5 macs as well, but it might be easier to use a chromebook or even your phone.

When your post is done, if you have work to finish off to fill in the gaps, then that is what you need to do.