Tuesday 2 May 2017

Term 2 Business and Enterprise Kete

Weeks 1 - 3 we are going to focus on some philosophy behind art and marketing and why.

weeks 4 - 7 we will work on production methods for art making

Weeks 8 - 10 you are in your business groups.

Today's lesson was all about what some ideas behind objects of desire and usefulness are. Art is generally an object of desire. You want to own it. But why?

On your blogs, in groups or separately (I do not mind) I have asked you to define the following in your own words. We did this already so if you need to catch up, here are our overall ideas we collected:

- Utilitarianism - useful, benefits the masses over the individual.
- Kantianism (named after philosopher Immanuel Kant) - values every individual's opinions and strengths. Harm to one is harm to all and unacceptable.
- Fine art - reputation raises the price, skill and technique are well honed, with years of practice and education
- Investment Art- you sell your work at  a lower level, with less of a name for yourself and the buyer is banking on you making a name for yourself, and the work appreciating in value. The artist doesn't generally get to capitalise on this however.
- Decor/Craft art - from mass production often, you will find a painting or print at a place like the warehouse. it goes with your couch cushions. You like how it looks and you buy it. The Artist may have been paid a commission to design the original piece, though not always... or you pick up pieces form craft markets by makers and pay smaller prices. skill and technique is not necessarily a factor (cheap and cheerful).

The first two we discussed already and they are on the term two page of the google site for year 9 as well.

On the same blog post:

We talked a little about this too, so if you were not here: a dealer gallery is one way of doing this. that means you have a 'dealer' and they exhibit and advertise/try and sell your work for you. they take a commission of about 30%, sometimes more! of your selling price when it does sell. It is in their best interests to get a good price and do a good job.

200 words is what I expect for the total sum of words

DO NOT copy and paste from google (I can tell).

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