Wednesday 10 April 2019

Year 10 orphism and lino printing

Kia ora koutou

Today I showed you how we can print these two blocks to create colour layers and interesting effects.

The key points we are covering are:

- registration
- transformation
- rotation
- repetition
(these are all mathematical terms too!)

The first point to think about is colour choice. Eventually I want lots of experimentation from you, but to begin with, choose one contrasting colour pair to work from. 

When I showed you printing the first one which was"registration", I blotted the purple before I printed the yellow over top. After experimenting, I am recommending that you DON'T do that, print wet on wet, as it gives another effect to your work that might be more interesting.

This is done with hand printing (not a press). We use a metal spoon to burnish the back of the paper until the print comes through. You need to be patient and careful not to slip. The spoon will heat up because of friction, slow down when that starts to happen. 





Everyone needs to be printing by Friday, please don't forget your plates and tools for tomorrow. 

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