Friday 22 September 2017

Directing your own ideas:

We are at a point of the year, when you get to direct your own learning. particularly in relation to upcoming PBL.

Last week you were asked to come up with a brainstorm on "what do you care about?"

It is a crazy, broad, open question...

Artists always have a message. Sometimes the message is boring to you, but to someone else. sometimes it is too intense for you, but not for someone else. sometimes you just like it or you don't.

Art is like having a conversation with your own head. You think, you discuss, you answer back, you agree or disagree or slightly one or the other. You can be moved by Art, but you don't need to tell anyone why, so it's a private conversation.

It is a very brave thing for an artist to put their side of the conversation out there for you to be with. you wont necessarily 'get' it all. That is ok, the artist will never get your response, unless you directly go and tell them!

 We start with the WHY.

Why do you want to make Art?

Friday 1 September 2017

End of Woodcut Printmaking

Expectations are:

3 good copy prints of your block
2 pages of planning/thinking
3 research posts on artists you were influenced by from within the German Expressionist movement
ALL your work documented on your blog.

A great example is:

Click on the picture to take you to all of Scarlett's Art posts (because she used her labels effectively).