Tuesday 25 July 2017

Week One Lesson One term three :-)

Today you should have produced a number of thumbnail sketches. We have done these before. It is a process we use to make decisions that make sense visually.

You are using your selfie and the ideas and visual marks, and gestures in german wood cut printmaking as your 'muse'.

Thumbnail sketch just refers to a sketch being a little sketch. It's an ideas sketch, helps you plan and reflect on your idea visually.

Some of you had me draw the start of an idea on a piece of paper for you, while i talked it through, and added annotations to that idea as a starting point. I do not mind if you use that idea, but it should only be a start to your page.

You should consider the following when you are planning these ideas:

- balance of positive and negative space
- the point of what you are trying to say with your work... be clear with what that is
- are you going to use a word or quote to emphasise this?
- are there visually interesting things happening that you could make more of in your work - beauty in your mistakes.

On Friday you should have:

1 finished page of thumbnail sketches which includes 6 - 8 ideas
1 final idea that you are going to make into a print.
1 page of emotion-based mark making

Everything documented on your blog.

Monday 24 July 2017

Term three week one


This first week is about getting to know 4 different movements of Art from a visual point of view. That means, you look at them and you can see what of the four movements of art they belong to.

We are also wanting to see some drawing from you, with an emphasis on looking after your page and setting it out nicely.

Eventually, you are going to decide which of these 4 movements of Art you will use as a focus. each one comes with a contrasting movement that you will then be directed to use (one choice, one given).

Why we are making art? To demonstrate your understanding of at least one of the school values - Commitment, Achievement, Resilience, Respect.

Keep this in your mind for week 2 as well. Which school value are you going to focus on?

Below is a sample of amazing sketch book pages. have a look, and consider what it is you are doing with your page.