You are using your selfie and the ideas and visual marks, and gestures in german wood cut printmaking as your 'muse'.
Thumbnail sketch just refers to a sketch being a little sketch. It's an ideas sketch, helps you plan and reflect on your idea visually.
Some of you had me draw the start of an idea on a piece of paper for you, while i talked it through, and added annotations to that idea as a starting point. I do not mind if you use that idea, but it should only be a start to your page.
You should consider the following when you are planning these ideas:
- balance of positive and negative space
- the point of what you are trying to say with your work... be clear with what that is
- are you going to use a word or quote to emphasise this?
- are there visually interesting things happening that you could make more of in your work - beauty in your mistakes.
On Friday you should have:
1 finished page of thumbnail sketches which includes 6 - 8 ideas1 final idea that you are going to make into a print.
1 page of emotion-based mark making
Everything documented on your blog.