Tuesday 16 February 2016

Welcome to 2016

Hello all you photography students. If you are reading htis you are likely from one of 4 senior classes of about 20 students here at Hornby High School. Your classes are multi levelled across the 3 NCEA levels, but united by theme. These themes are still in development and not yet set fully in some classes. That is ok, it is a part of the process. The Subject based blog is a way of connecting all the students in that subject together; Photography has 11 candidates from 3 classes.

If you are wondering why I am using a blog that already has stuff on it from 2013, it is because I seemed to have had 3 photography blogs all with similar resources and ideas on them, and it seems a bit pointless to keep repeating myself. Some of our blog posts this year will include re-blogging previous posts. There are good pieces of information in them so feel free to read the older ones.

At this point, you all should have started your own blogs. I would expect to see an introductory post about YOU.  Who are  you, why are you studying photography and how did you contribute to us developing an overall class theme?

From there, you should be talking about your concept. This is not set in stone, but concept is the basis of good, intelligent Art.

This week we will be collating all the photography blog links from across the four classes onto this blog, so that you can see what students in the other 3 classes are potentially doing too and contribute to their learning as well.

Your next focus following this will be your first Artist model study, and how to use a D-SLR. This is going to be exciting and very cool work is going to develop from our classes this year.

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