Tuesday 15 May 2018

Year 10 Art Period Four and Five

Kathe Kollwitz. Term Two go here to get to the slide show and other resources you need.

Period Four Class:We started on her last lesson, with a brilliant research page from you all. 
Period Five Class: We will be starting this and many of you will be up to this, but not all. So those of you who have created your black paper presentation, please move onto this task. 

Mark-Making and emotion are key elements to Kollwitz's work and that of any of the German Expressionists.

I am absent for the day on a course, so your work is going to be about drawing today and working nicely for the reliever.

Using the pinterest page and/or the slide show we worked through, I would like you to select an art image to work from and practice your drawing. Specifically, you need to notice the way black and white are used to make marks and imply tone (shades of grey) even though its not.

Things you need to do:

- Work to a picture frame - outline the space the image will occupy on your page, dont just start randomly with a point of your image you like
- Measure and care about your proportions - is the right amount of space being used for your subject, is there too much background... look as you draw and ask yourself if you are drawing accurately as you go.
- Draw what you see, not what you know. If you cant see it, don't put it in!

Period Five Class: I will be back tomorrow.